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air tanah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "air tanah"
  • You can draw ground water from any well.
    Anda bisa menarik air tanah dari sumur manapun.
  • Well, there's a well of groundwater beneath us.
    Nah, ada sebuah sumur air tanah di bawah kami.
  • It's an aquifer-- new source of groundwater. - Must be worth millions.
    Ini air tanah, sumber baru mata air.
  • Without water, that land is useless.
    Tanpa air, tanah itu tak berguna.
  • Groundwater may have existed at both Gusev and Meridiani Planum.
    Air tanah mungkin ada baik di Gusev dan Meridiani Planum.
  • Groundwater extraction is the primary cause of saltwater intrusion.
    Ekstraksi air tanah adalah salah satu penyebab utama intrusi air asin.
  • Recharge to ground water aquifer.
    Air mengalir ke penyimpanan air tanah (aquifer).
  • But this is not ground water.
    Tapi ini bukan air tanah.
  • Ground water from the last town where you built a plant.
    Air tanah dari kota lalu dimana anda membangun kebun baru.
  • The Garamantians had discovered groundwater.
    Bahkan Garamantians telah menemukan air tanah.
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